Games Every Wednesday: M:TG Limited Booster Draft @ 7:00pm $15 Every Friday: M:TG FNM Type 2 @ 7:00pm $5 Every Saturday: Heroclix Tournament @ 12:30pm $5 Every Sunday: M:TG Constructed Type 2 @ 1:00pm $5 Friday Our Gatecrash Pre-Release Weekend starts off at 0000 hundred hours Friday night. Thats right midnight. Be the first to declare your Guild. As you may know this event is a little different from other events. You will get 5 Booster Packs of Gatecrash and one Guild Pack. These Guild Packs will contain cards specific to your Guild. They will also contain your Pre-Release card. For the first time you will be able to use your Pre-Release card in the Tourney itself! Build a 40 card minimum deck and Rule the Districts of Gatecrash. $25 Saturday Two-Headed Giant Begins at 6pm Saturday. Two-Headed Rules with Twice the Fun. Each Team gets a Guild Pack per Person. That's 2 Entire Guild Packs with which to build your decks. $20 Each Sunday It all begins again starting at noon. Be the first to declare your Guild. As you may know this event is a little different from other events. You will get 5 Booster Packs of Gatecrash and one Guild Pack. These Guild Packs will contain cards specific to your Guild. They will also contain your Pre-Release card. For the first time you will be able to use your Pre-Release card in the Tourney itself! Build a 40 card minimum deck and Rule the Districts of Gatecrash. $25 6pm: Two-Headed Rules with Twice the Fun. Each team gets a Guild Pack per person. That's 2 entire Guild packs with which to build your decks. $20 Each © Comic Relief, RJ Onyx Moonshadow 2016 |